Monday, January 31, 2011

Why Ask Why? Ask Why Twice!

In my recent posts, I stressed that we should all choose foods for nutritional value first, flavor second. We have to do this because our sense of taste, which guided our caveman ancestors so well, is not suited to life in a calorie and fat rich environment like ours. Simply put, in our world of abundant calories and processed foods, you cannot trust your own sense of taste to help you eat right.

Hence my third rule, the one about choosing foods for nutrition first. This is not always as easy to do as it is to say. To help you do this, become very familiar with the word 'why'. To make sure that you are engaging your brain rather than your instincts, why is your best friend. In fact, it is so good to have around, that I am asking you to keep two "whys" nearby.

Whenever you are going to eat something is the time to pull out why. First ask yourself "why am I eating?" If the answer is anything other than "I am hungry," such as "I am bored," "I am upset," etc... then DROP THE FOOD! You are not eating to fuel your body, but for one of the dozens of other reasons we eat these days. If the answer is "I am hungry," then you passed why #1, and it is time to move on to the next one.

The next question to ask is "why am I eating this?" The type of food you choose to put in your body is the most important decision you can make. That food is what composes your body tissues, and gives your body and brain the energy to function. It should be the highest quality food available! If you cannot honestly answer question #2 "because this is high quality fuel for my body," you should choose something else to eat.

Like all of you, I am far from perfect. There are many times I answer question 2 "because it tastes good and I want to eat it." That is OK, as long as it is the minority, rather than the majority. I shoot for 90% good fuel with the occasional treat or indulgence. Whether you choose to eat the tasty treat or not, merely asking the question makes you mindful of the act, and will keep you from eating without reason. Asking will also keep excess pounds off your body, and keep you feeling great.

So remember: Why ask why? Ask why twice!

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