Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Caveman Nutrition 102

So it is obvious that cavemen did not eat what we eat. What should we be eating then? Well, let's look to the caveman again. Last time I said that cavemen ate mostly fruits, vegetables, and nuts. They probably augmented that with whatever meat they could catch. Basically, they ate whatever they could find.

It is highly likely they also ate variety. We did not start eating the same things daily until we began to grow our own food. This became even more common once industrial farming began. Now we grow only a few types of fruits and vegetables out of the thousands that exist.

They also chose foods for nutritional value. They did this using their sense of taste. In a caveman's world, food that tastes good is also good for you. It has a high number of calories, and lots of high quality nutrients for building body tissues. High calorie foods are very important when you live in a world where calories are hard to come by. When a caveman found those foods, he ate as much of them as he could, since he did not know when he would find them again.

In one sentence, a caveman ate a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and chose them for nutritional value. We'll discuss how to turn this into a functional diet in the next section.

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