Friday, April 15, 2011

Caveman Children and Pregnant Women

I get asked many questions about being a vegan. Hands down, the most frequent is "where do you get your protein?" Due to many repeated inquiries, I have a response for that question. If you want to read about it, click here.

Other than the protein question, the next most frequent question is about children and pregnant women. It usually goes something like this: "I want my family to become vegetarian, but I am afraid it will hurt my children [or fetus]. Is it safe for them?"

In a word, yes. All of the nutrients required for growth and development of body tissues can be obtained from plant matter. It is true that there is not one single plant source of all eight essential amino acids required for life (an essential amino acid is one that our bodies cannot manufacture from raw materials). This would be a big problem if you intended to feed your children only one type of food day in and day out. Fortunately, if you follow caveman rule #2:

Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and very little if any meat, eggs, or dairy

then you will not have a problem. The variety will ensure that you get enough amino acids, as well as a full compliment of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. If you also follow caveman rule #1:

Eat foods like they grow in nature

your kids will not be exposed to the processed crap that fills most vending machines, school cafeterias, and restaurants. On the whole, they will be much better off than the rest of the population, eating genetically modified, hormone and antibiotic laden meat. Not only will they develop just fine, they will probably avoid early onset puberty, and the behavioral problems associated with a diet high in meat and processed foods.

Really the only nutrient you need to worry about is vitamin B12. Since we clean our food thoroughly, and B12 comes from the bacteria in the dirt, there is no good vegetable source of B12, except for nutritional yeast. Fortunately, you don't need very much B12. Adding nutritional yeast to one of your meals a couple of times a week, or a weekly B12 supplement will provide more than enough of this vital nutrient.

You may be wondering if I walk my talk. What do I do with my kids. They are not vegan, nor are they completely vegetarian, but we do follow caveman rules 1 and 2. They eat about 90% vegetable matter, and very little processed food. Most importantly, they are learning lessons about good nutrition and healthy eating that they will hopefully carry for the rest of their lives.

M. Jacob Ott, MD

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